Williamson County to Require Masks in Schools, Despite Warnings from Clay Travis and Other Furious Parents


Students in Williamson County will have to wear COVID-19 masks whether they — or their parents — like it or not.

According to the Nashville-based News Channel 5:

The Williamson County School Board voted to require students, staff and visitors at elementary schools to wear face masks while indoors and on buses beginning Aug. 12 and to end Tues. Sept. 21 at 11:59 p.m.

The decision was made Tuesday night after a lengthy and heated special-called board meeting that dozens of parents attended.

The vote was seven to three, and applied only to elementary school students and staff, according to the Nashville-based WKRN.

Parents in Williamson County who insist they — and only they — have the right to force a COVID-19 mask on their children faced off Tuesday night against school board members.

Board members considered whether to implement a mask mandate to combat the Delta variant of COVID-19.

Clay Travis, of Outkick the Coverage and also The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show, spoke during the public portion of Tuesday’s meeting. He said two of his children attend Williamson County schools.

“We teach our kids that facts matter. That is why they go to school. The facts are these. Masks don’t work. There isn’t a single scientific data that has ever proven that masks work. Also, let’s talk about risk analysis. I feel bad for all of these people walking around in masks and engaging in cosmetic theater thinking that they are making a difference against COVID. They aren’t,” Travis said.

“Here is the truth. Our kids, under 25-years-old, there is a one in a million chance that they are going to die of COVID. They are more likely to be struck by lightning. They are more likely to die of the seasonal flu. Have any of you ever mandated masks for the seasonal flu? Well, shame on you because every kid in Williamson County schools has been under more danger from the seasonal flu every year than they are for COVID. I would tell every parent here don’t let your kids wear masks.”

The parents who arrived showed up as a crowd that spilled over into the outside hallway. They said the fact that WCS Board members were even considering a mask mandate enraged them. Many parents stood outside the board meeting room and chanted “No more masks” over and over.

Another parent, whose name The Tennessee Star could not determine, warned board members that he and others “will come for you in a non-violent way.”

“Candace Owens is coming for you. The Deplorables will come for you politically and financially,” the man said.

“We will vote you out. If you own a business we will boycott your business. In the past you dealt with sheep, and now you will deal with lions.”

But not everyone who attended said they opposed a mask mandate.

Several area physicians pleaded with board members to mandate COVID-19 masks upon students. One of them, Brent Maxwell, said children are filling up Intensive Care Units nationwide and that children “are vectors for disease transmission.”

“To the people in this room who don’t agree with me — we will have school shutdowns and needless tragedies,” Maxwell said.

Another parent, whose name was not audible as he spoke, told board members that they had zero authority to mandate masks.

“Do temperature checks or even contract trace. Education is your only primary duty,” the man said.

“You have poked the cubs. And we are p***ed off.”

– – –

Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].








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20 Thoughts to “Williamson County to Require Masks in Schools, Despite Warnings from Clay Travis and Other Furious Parents”

  1. […] parent, whose name The Star could not determine, warned board members that he and others “will come for you in a non-violent […]

  2. […] parent, whose name The Star could not determine, warned board members that he and others “will come for you in a non-violent […]

  3. […] parent, whose name The Star could not determine, warned board members that he and others “will come for you in a non-violent […]

  4. Willco parents can get a mask exemption for their child. Go to exemption.info and share it with your friends.

  5. […] of the Williamson County School Board said Tuesday that students there will have to wear COVID-19 masks whether they — or their parents — like it […]

  6. […] of the Williamson County School Board said Tuesday that students there will have to wear COVID-19 masks whether they — or their parents — like it […]

  7. Cannoneer2

    From now on, all county school boards and health boards need to be appointed by the General Assembly.

  8. Williamson County is a hotbed of California brand of Democrat Communism/Socialism.
    Truth and Citizens opinions desires and votes don’t matter. These Professional Insurrectionists, even if they don’t view themselves as such are determined they will rule and we will obey!

  9. PaulJ

    Not unexpected from Fiscus who is the spokesperson and agent for his wife who is trying to land a national gig on CNN or MSNBC as a “health expert” or Apres who is the prototypical Helicopter Mom with special needs kids who wants every kid to be in a bubble like hers so no one is privileged. But shame on the cowards, particularly Wimberly who is a double-dipping “consultant” and the Will Pinkston of Williamson County.

  10. Kitty Lenoir

    What say you Governor Lee??? So disappointes we elected him.

  11. JG2284

    Check out Christian homeschooling https://www.homeschools.org/

  12. Parent

    Every single person who voted yes was a vote for abusing children. These people are disgraceful.
    Remember these people when the next election comes.

    Voted FOR mask mandate
    Eliot Mitchell – Third District
    [email protected]

    Brad Fiscus – Fourth District
    [email protected]

    Jennifer Aprea – Fifth District
    [email protected]

    Sheila Cleveland – Seventh District
    [email protected]

    Rick Wimberly (Introduced the motion) – Ninth District
    [email protected]

    K.C. Haugh – Eleventh District
    [email protected]

    Nancy Garrett – Twelfth District
    [email protected]

    Voted AGAINST mask mandate
    Dan Cash – Second District
    [email protected]

    Jay Galbreath – Sixth District
    [email protected]

    Candy Emerson – Eighth District
    [email protected]

    Angela Durham – First District
    [email protected]

    Eric Welch – Tenth District
    [email protected]

    Williamson County Board of Education Roster

    Williamson County School District Map

  13. Noal Sartain


    “Who is scientifically correct?”

    Masks are worn because there is some belief that when you wear a mask, it will trap hazardous material.
    Accordingly, when the medical professionals use masks, the following protocols are followed:

    – The mask is used once, then disposed of
    – It is used with gloves
    – Any used mask is immediately considered bio-hazard material
    – Reused masks are considered a disease spreader
    – It is disposed in a multicolored bio-hazard material container
    – If a mask is used twice, even by a medical professional, it is considered a great risk

    SCHOOLS FOLLOW NONE OF THESE. For that matter, little of the mask wearing public does either.

  14. Chris

    Is someone able to dig of names and office phone numbers of the individuals who voted in favor of masks? I think it’s only appropriate to know where each board member stands.

  15. Steve Allen

    This is yet another reason the public education system needs to be gutted, or privatized. If you are a public educator who is reading this and believes all of the leftist BS I hope you drop dead.You are a traitor to America.

  16. Eagle

    Williamson County parents “UNITE”. If EVERYONE sent their kids to school without masks, what are they going to do? Send every kid home? I don’t think so. No students, no school, no pay.

  17. LM

    How sinister that doctors are still trying to tell people that masks work- any doctor short of a quack knows better than that. What’s worse is they are trying to tell parents to put them on children. Hopefully, parents will not comply.

  18. Truthy McTruthFace

    ‘trust the science’ they say. ok…what science? show me the evidence masks work.

    just repeating ‘masks work’ over and over isnt science

  19. Free Family

    My kid will not be wearing a mask to school tomorrow (WCS District). I encourage everyone to do the same and push back. They can’t kick us all out. No mask, don’t comply!!!!

  20. rick

    The Democrats, along with the CDC, have created and manipulated this situation in America and they are just now seeing the beginning of the wrath they are about to endure, I believe.


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